Books by Elizabeth Beckett
My books are available in soft cover and e-book format on Amazon and KDP.
Translations into Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese are available on all relevant platforms.
A Memory of Flight
The Story of Earth and Life.
A young woman’s unusual cosmic journey, which is drawn from the author’s spiritual channellings and mystical knowledge.
I Am Celtic
The Story of Abathscantia and the Dragon Isles.
An epic journey across three continents by an Atlantian tribe in 10,000 BCE in search of a new home.
The Story of a Descended Angel.
A narrative of the Dark Angel’s role in the creation of humanity and ongoing kharma and soul-testing.
The Book of Life
A book on ancient Egyptian mysticism and the Mystery Schools of the golden age.
A larger than life view of the Knights Templar and their role in cosmic evolution.
Lemuria, I Remember You
Explore the lost continent of Lemuria, or Mu, and discover the code of its mystery.